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John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA; National Archives Records Administ…
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA; National Archives Records Administration
Lawrence F. O'Brien
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA; National Archives Records Administration

Lawrence F. O'Brien

National Campaign Organizer, White House staffer
Prior to his White House years, JFK appointed O'Brien to be the director of his 1952 Senare campaign and in 1958 he served as the director of Kennedy's re-election campaign. For Kennedy's Presidential Campaign in 1960, O'Brien was appointed National Campaign director. He later served as the National Campaign director of President Lyndon Johnson's presidential campaign in 1964.

O'Brien served as Special Assistant for Congressional Relations from 1961 to 1965 under Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. After his appointment as Postmaster General by President Johnson, he continued many of his congressional liaison functions. His White House Staff Files in the Kennedy Library reflect his activities as head of the congressional liaison staff during the Kennedy administration, 1961-1963.

O'Brien also served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1968-1969, 1970-1972 and in 1975 he was appointed as the Commissioner of NBA basketball, a position which he held until 1984.